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Tabnabbing, an advanced phishing attack

Tabnabbing, an advanced phishing attack

Tabnabbing is a phishing attack that takes advantage of your inattentive use of tabs to hack you.
It is a technique that is not recent (it dates from 2010) but has been almost forgotten. Forgotten only on our side, but not quite on the side of the pirates ... Here is the definition of this attack, and how to protect ourselves effectively.
The name "Tabnabbing" was given by the researcher and designer for Firefox Aza Raskin who has developed and explained to alert users.

What is tabnabbing?

A hacker site uses a sort of code to detect the change of tab. When you visit it, you see normal content probably related to what you were looking for.
Only, after a few seconds after changing tabs, the hacker site suddenly changes its title and its "favicon" (the icon of the website that appears in each tab).
When the victim returns to the tab, he thinks in the previous example to return to her previously opened Gmail tab. This same tab contains a fraudulent copy of Gmail and will hack the victim if she is not careful. Especially when you open several tabs, It becomes easy to be targeted by this attack.

How to protect yourself?

This is the type of attack rather silly but very cunning that catches us easily if we do not pay attention. Caution is advised, the ideal is to check the URL of tabs (failing to remember open tabs).
Note that this attack could take different turns posing as other sites that we used to use.
Of course the best defense against phishing attacks is vigilance and awareness.

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