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How to direct a satellite dish to any tv satellite using your phone

How to direct a satellite dish to any tv satellite using your phone


In this post, We'll learn about a simple and effective application that sets and adjusts the satellite dish to any tv satellite in a few second. This application is very useful From now you will not need any similar applications.
 This app is free and available on the Google Play Store for download and compatible with many Android devices.
After downloading the application, we have to enable the GPS location, then we can go to Satellites and through which we can choose the tv satellite we want.

click on Director, and this is the last step.You can specify the direction of the satellite you have selectedand all you have to do is to set the elevation of the dish with the application, it will show you a large circle representing the earth and a small point representing the satellite and another small circle representing your location So move the small circle and align the top of your phone to the satellite's azimuth by tunning.  

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